*'''Akafuku Shop''' (赤福本店 ''Akafuku Honten'') - [http://maps.google.co.jp/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=%E8%B5%A4%E7%A6%8F%E6%9C%AC%E5%BA%97&sll=36.5626,136.362305&sspn=49.093284,114.169922&brcurrent=3,0x6004509328f0e939:0x1807f03f285fef5b,0&ie=UTF8&hq=%E8%B5%A4%E7%A6%8F%E6%9C%AC%E5%BA%97&hnear=&ll=34.462065,136.72377&spn=0.006245,0.013937&z=17&iwloc=A Google map]
*'''Akafuku Shop''' (赤福本店 ''Akafuku Honten'') - [http://maps.google.co.jp/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=%E8%B5%A4%E7%A6%8F%E6%9C%AC%E5%BA%97&sll=36.5626,136.362305&sspn=49.093284,114.169922&brcurrent=3,0x6004509328f0e939:0x1807f03f285fef5b,0&ie=UTF8&hq=%E8%B5%A4%E7%A6%8F%E6%9C%AC%E5%BA%97&hnear=&ll=34.462065,136.72377&spn=0.006245,0.013937&z=17&iwloc=A Google map]
*:Can't leave out Ise's extremely well-known dessert specialty.  Although boxes of Akafuku can be purchased as far as away as Shin-Osaka Station and Nagoya Station, people who visit Ise have the chance to eat it fresh at the "main shop".  A great place to bring your family and friends if they come to visit you in Ise, and serves as a great pre- or post-Ise Shrine snack.  ¥280 gets you three pieces of Akafuku and some green tea, which is some of the best-tasting green tea in Japan.  There is often a line at the shop however the long line is for the take-out line, the eat-in counter is further inside the shop (possibly hidden by the long take-out line) and rarely has much of a line.  It is located along Okage Yokocho, at the corner of an intersection with a small bridge that goes over the Isuzu River -- a bridge for cars mind you, not the Uji Bridge which enters into Ise Grand Shrine.
*:Can't leave out Ise's extremely well-known dessert specialty.  Although boxes of Akafuku can be purchased as far as away as Shin-Osaka Station and Nagoya Station, people who visit Ise have the chance to eat it fresh at the "main shop".  A great place to bring your family and friends if they come to visit you in Ise, and serves as a great pre- or post-Ise Shrine snack.  ¥280 gets you three pieces of Akafuku and some green tea, which is some of the best-tasting green tea in Japan.  There is often a line at the shop however the long line is for the take-out line, the eat-in counter is further inside the shop (possibly hidden by the long take-out line) and rarely has much of a line.  It is located along Okage Yokocho, at the corner of an intersection with a small bridge that goes over the Isuzu River -- a bridge for cars mind you, not the Uji Bridge which enters into Ise Grand Shrine. In the winter, sitting beside the hibachi brazier is very comforting. They also have a small shop near the main parking lots.
*:'''Tsuitachi Mochi'''
*:'''Tsuitachi Mochi'''
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